Obesity Epidemic

Obesity Epidemic
There once was a time when obesity was considered a sign of health and prosperity in the developing world.
What we did not know was that the excess visceral fat that we began to gain was loaded with inflammatory and hormonal triggers that would eventually impact metabolic processes that reduced not only our health but future off-spring for the next two to three generations.
Today, obesity is extremely common among most western civilised nations and has become the number one health problem that contributes to many medical conditions. There have been many suggestions made on how to manage the rising obesity epidemic that so far have proven unsuccessful or sustainable.
Contributing factors include; hormonal imbalance, genetic factors, thyroid disorders, gut dysbiosis as well as lifestyle habits. Whilst many of these factors may contribute to weight issues, treatment alone does not resolve the problem.
The most current research suggests that we are suffering from “an insulin signalling disorder” that has been triggered by a range of dietary and stress processes that inhibits a process in our brain that regulates food intake. This signalling disorder promotes hunger and fat storage over calorie energy use.
Promoters of this this theory include the original work of Dr Simeons as well as Dr Robert Atkins and recent work from Medical Researcher Gary Taubes. (recommended reading “Why we get fat”, by Gary Taubes)
The original HCG program was developed by Dr Simeons, who spent 30 years researching the cause of fat storage and found that humans are capable of storing 3 types of body fat. The first 2 types of fat storage are normal.
The third type called “famine fat storage”, is a natural body process that is switched on when the body is under stress. This process is triggered by the over consumption of non-nutritious foods such as low fat dairy, sugar, processed carbohydrates and synthetic Trans fat that dominate our current way of eating.
General calorie restriction will only reduce loss of normal fat stores that is often regained once normal eating resumes. No amount of dieting or exercise will access famine fat storage as it tightly bound away as a source of survival fat during times of famine.
That is until the discovery of the work of Dr Simeons, who after several years of research developed a unique program that aids restoring hormone appetite regulation as well as body reshaping. He also proved that quick weight loss programs work better than losing weight gradually.
Before deciding to start the program, view our page on Health Considerations, which outlines whom the program is not suitable for.